Using data handler in upgrade wizards in TYPO3 CMS
I work a lot with TYPO3 Upgrades and often have to write upgrade wizards to migrate certain data. I recently discovered, that it is possible to use…
CKEditor 5: Base64 encoded embedded images loose src
I have a project, where the customer sometimes pastes images directly into the editor, which then get saved as base64 encoded data url in the `src`…
PhpStorm + MacOS: Trying to enter pipe into commit message performs commit
I've had a problem with typing certain special characters in the commit message in PHPStorm on MacOS. I'm using the danish keyboard layout, where…
Plesk: Nano editor in chroot: Error opening terminal: xterm-256color
I recently came across a strange error, which must have been a combination of my local OS being MacOS and the chroot environment on my server with…
MariaDB vs. MySQL 8: GROUP BY sorting wrong
I just fell over some quite funny behaviour. In my local development environment i used MariaDB 10.3. The server environment used MySQL 8.0. I had a…
Symfony: Security context in doctrine filters
I one of my recent projects, I wanted to use doctrine filters to dynamically alter queries based on, which role the currently logged-in user had. I…
Symfony: Login form on every page
I was working on a Symfony based project, where it should be possible to login from every page and, of course, come page to the original page after…
Webpack like manifest.json for Vite
For recent projects I swtiched to Vite for developping and building my frontend asset. I usually integrate the built CSS and JS files into TYPO3,…
FlexForms 2.0 aka Dot Forms
Have you ever dreamed of creating virtual form fields, known as Flex Forms in TYPO3 CMS, but without that awful XML and even more flexible? I…
Multiple domains on the same page tree/site
In one project, the customer wanted to do a branch split by using the same site and page tree for both brands with 99% identical content. I tried to…
Symfony: Generated UUID in additions to auto incremented id property
In one of my projects I wanted to add a UUID or GUID to one of the models, that already had an `id` property with a generated value (auto increment).…
EXT:form error "Unauthorized modification of historical data. #1528538252"
I recently ran into an error after upgrading from TYPO3 CMS 10.4 to 11.5. When saving a form in the backend i got an exception with the message…