Automatic cache clearing, when editing any record
In a recent project I wanted to clear caches for pages, that display certain records, when one of these records was updated. In this case it was…
TER publishing with GitHub Releases
I'm a big fan of automated releases procedures. That's why I wanted to use GitHub Actions and GitHub releases for publishing my extension to the TER.…
Auto-redirect on slug change: Default status code
TYPO3 CMS used 307 as the default status code for redirects, both when creating them via the "Redirects" module and when auto-creating them on slug…
.gitignore: Correctly specifying ignore and exclude patterns
I was trying to make git ignore some directories but exclude certain file and directories within it. My directory structure was as follows: . └──…
Deferred image processing for TYPO3 CMS
In one of my recent projects I tried to generate images with the <picture> tag and different image sources for different screensizes and pixel…
Ansible + passwordstore: Creating, storing and distributing SSH key pairs
There are many situations where you need or want to use SSH keys for connecting to a server. This could be automatic software deployment (continuous…
CKEditor 4: Style set with multiple classes not showing
I ran into a problem recently, where I wanted to add a style set, that adds multiple classes. In my case it was for a link (button), that should have…
OpenSSL not working correctly in Alpine based PHP docker images
Mainly because of the significantly smaller size I'm currently switching to Alpine-Linux based docker images. In connection with PHP images (PHP-FPM…
PhpStorm: JavaScript code completion not working correctly
Those who work a lot with TYPO3 and probably work a lot with TypoScript may also have the file extension *.ts assigned to the TypoScript file type.…
Safari: AJAX bug with `fetch`
When we do not have to support for old browser like the Internet Explorer, we can finally use new technologies. Though it is bad, if even a modern…
Roundcube does not send mails via Exim with STARTTLS
A customer reported, that it is not possible to send emails via the Roundcube webmailer. So I started digging. In the end I found the cause in the…
Simple SSL redirect in Træfik with Docker
Often the goal is just to make the server redirect from HTTP to HTTPS, meaning from http://www.mydomain.com to https://www.mydomain.com. Using Docker…